Sukabumi name derived from the Sundanese language, namely Suka-Bumen, which means that in a place that has the air cool and comfortable this makes people like to settle
Sukabumi district boundaries adjacent to the sea of 40% and 60% is land. Sukabumi Regency has a fairly wide area of ± 419,970 ha.
Sukabumi district boundaries adjacent to the sea of 40% and 60% is land. Sukabumi Regency has a fairly wide area of ± 419,970 ha.
tourist destination in sukabumi them are as follows:
1. Beach Palabuhanratu, is a resort on the Indian Ocean on the south coast of West Java. Its location is situated about 60 km to the south of Sukabumi.
2. Air panas Cisolok, located 17 miles southwest Palabuhanratu. This place there is the river with hot springs by volcanic explosion. Nearby there are waterfalls and rubber plantations.
3. Goa Karang Hawu, located 20 km from Palabuhanratu. The beach there are rocks with several holes in such furnaces, called hawu by local people. This can be done at the beach surfing water sports.4. Climbing. For those who like adventures, climbing Mount Gede or Gunung Gede National Park Pangrango in the north-Pangrango Sukabumi is an interesting experience. Here can be found various kinds of varieties of plants and flowers at the top Edelweis lasting more challenging adventure is rafting on the River Cicatih or Citarik River, located 30 miles south of Sukabumi.
5. Lake / Situ Sukarame is a lake located in the southern foot of Mount Salak, precisely in the District Parakan Salak, Sukabumi District. The water there is crystal clear. There is fenced round by the amber forest, pine forests and tea gardens.
6. lido lake, relaxing place appropriate.
this is sukabumi...
so, enjoy your trip to Sukabumi ...
by : Zqare_MCracer
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